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New model line of BARK. PVC boats innovations.

In 2012 BARK company launched series production of the new model line of inflatable polyvinyl chloride boats. Almost one year of development and testing allowed to find the best proportions and dimensions. Hundreds of wishes and offers were heard not only from specialist in this field, but also from regular users of inflatable boats. Many years were spent by BARK company for creating the perfect boat. Now Bark presents inflatable boats with the increased tube diameter.
Old modes are still available on the market. Minor improvements of boats parameters were successfully submitted and implemented by BARK company. Motor boats were slightly changed, and boats with the keel boats are presented by several more models in the model line.
Let's get the most detailed view on the BARK boats model line. First of all we need to get a closer look on labeling in order to get the knowledge of what different labels stand for.

B-240 - "B" means BARK, 240 - the length of the boat in centimeters. Also "B" stands for PVC boat with only air chambers in the construction.
B-240C -slated floor was added as the feature. Slater floor consists of water resistant plywood sheets. "C" stands for that plywood slatted floor.
B-250CN - "N" that you see in the name of the boat means that also an attachable plywood transom for outboard motor was added.
B-260 - label "C" is absent in the name of the boat and you can't find B-260C. But there is no need to worry, because starting from this length (260 cm) every boat has a plywood floor slated floor by default.
B-260P - to the construction of the boat with "P" label all around, durable rubber strike and safety grab handles were added as the feature. There are 2 safety grab handles on each side of the boat.
B-280NP - as you can guess, in this type of boats you can find both: attachable plywood transom and all around, durable rubber strike as the features.
BT-290 - "B" is still stands for BARK, "T" means that the boat is equipped with a heavy-duty marine grade plywood transom. In fact, it's a motor boat. So it's 290 centimeters long transom BARK boat.
BT-290S - It's like the previous boat, but "S" label in the name means that boat is equipped with a hard floor, so you have an ability to make an inflatable keel boat with the help of an inflatable keel.
BN-330S - now we have the new label: "N". The only new feature of this boat is more narrowed form of the nose of the boat (called "bow"). You can easily find this boat in our shop.
We have finished with labels of inflatable PVC BARK boats. As we see, everything is pretty simple.
As we said previously, in 2012 the upgrade of existing inflatable PVC boats has taken place and brand new rowing and motor boats were presented with new models. Here is our detailed review:

Rowing BARK boats

фото гребных лодок БАРК без настила, лодки БАРК B-190, БАРК B-220 и БАРК B-240

Inflatable PVC boat BARK B-190 was added to the rowing boats model line. To be honest with you, this model isn't a brand new one and it was ordered in small consignments on Russia and Belarus markets. The main consumers of this boat are hunters. Marshy land, lots of floods and oxbows require the availability of an light boat which doesn't weight much and make it possible to overcome water obstacles. Besides not everyone has a hound who could take the catch from the water during the hunting, so availability of such a boat in this case is a must. If you have a little water under your feet, there is no any need in carrying all the ammunition, ammo and the loot on your back, because there is the ability to put your loot into the boat, take a boat in tow and have an easy pleasant walk. This boat is the smallestе and the most lightweight one. There is no handles in the construction, plywood floor and even oars are replaced with paddles. But still you can find a hand rope as the feature. Despite the small size, BARK B-190 has two air chambers and has pretty high carrying capacity. Rowing boats BARK B-220 and BARK B-240 are the part of BARK PVC boats without plywood floor group and appear to be the lighten version of BARK B-220С and BARK B-240С correspondingly.

Rowing boats with a slatted floor

фото лодки барк со сланямиIn the model line of inflatable PVC boats with plywood, so wanted three meters long boat has appeared. It's necessary to note that BARK-300 is accomplished with an increased air chamber, which diameter is 40 cm. This constructive solution let to use 3.5 HP outboard motor for a boat with a transom. This boat is perfect for fishing and you can even be sleeping in boat overnight. I believe that it's quite convenient even for three men to go for fishing on this boat. BARK-300 designed for four people onboard, but you should keep in mind, that to be in a boat for a short period of time and to be in the same boat for a long time (fishing, for example) it's quite a different thing. This full load of the boat could be pretty tiring for all people aboard (this touches on all the boats: rowing boats as well as motor ones). Rowing boat BARK B-300 (as well as all the junior models) is available in a standard complication, in a complication with an attachable transom (BARK B-300N), all around, durable rubber strike (BARK B-300P), and both: attachable transom and an all around, durable rubber strike (B-300NP). As the part of modernization, all PVC BARK boats in the model line got carry handles in a boat bow and boats without plywood transom also got another carry handle on the stern. In a consequence, closer to the summer, the construction of the transom was reconsidered. Now it is fixated by the stern handle. Thus, all the models of BARK rowing boats have a stern and a bow handles, which made all the boats easy carrying even with some stuff in a boat. The only exception is BARK B-190, which was designed for different purposes.
Now we are about to see the most interesting part: the brand new model line of PVC BARK boats.

Rowing BARK boats with an increased diameter air chambers.

фото лодок  BARK с увеличенным диаметром бортов. Четыре лодки в проыиль и фас Following the traditions, inflatable rowing PVC BARK boats of this specific model line are accomplished in a brand narrowed bow style, which makes BARK boats easy recognized as well as improve their maneuvering characteristics. Find out if the boat has increased boards diameter you could by looking at its length number. Odd number means the boat with the increased board diameter: BARK-210C (2,1 m.), BARK B-230C (2,3 m.), BARK B-250C (2,5 m.), BARK B-270 (2,7 m.) Rowing boats which are 10cm shorter were taken as the base. BARK B-210C is the exception, because it is a brand new model. So BARK B-230C it's an increased BARK B-220C, BARK B-250C is BARK B-240C with increased air chambers diameter, and BARK B-270 is increased BARK B-260 (why you cannot see "C" label anymore and you see only "P" here, you can read above). Carrying about of the comfort of the customers, BARK company not only increased a diameter of the boards(what would lead to decreasing of inboard space of the boat), but with the increasing of an air chamber to its reasonable limit, also increased the length and the width of the boat. This makes the inboard space even bigger. Often, I take BARK B-240C for comparing because of its popularity among the customers. Let's calculate now: the length of the boat is 240 cm. (that's boards diameters), we have an inboard space length of 176 cm., the width of the boat is 120 cm., -32 and -32 = 56 cm. width of the inboard space. As the result, the inboard area is 1.76 x 0.56 = 0.99 m2 (almost one square meter). Meanwhile, the older BARK B-250C has 250 cm length. -36 and -36 = 178, width 132 cm -36 и -36 = 60 cm. 1.78 x 0.6 = 1.07 m2. As we see, the useful inboard space has been increased. Because of boats width increase and boards diameter increasing, the boats stability and safety are higher. It made possible to use low HP outboard motors on almost all boats of the model line if you use a transom (Boats with "N" label).

BARK motor boats with a slatted floor.

фото лодки БАРК 310 в профиль, фас и повернутой на 45 градусов These motor PVC BARK boats are well-known, have well-deserved popularity and stay highly demanded on a market. You can think if there is any reason to change anything, but changes touched on even these PVC boats. Inflatable motor boats BARK of this model line got additional pieces of plywood slatted floor. It's a common practice, when there is no slatted floor beneath a seat of a steersman of a PVC boat, because nobody stands there or steps on that place. And it's true, but in most cases they put some stuff under the seat. Usually it is a heavy-weight stuff like a fuel tank or an anchor, and as the result - a hump on the bottom of the boat, which is decreasing the speed of a motor boat. The practice shows, that the absence of the slatted floor leads to formation of air bubbles under the boat, which can affect of maneuvering characteristics of the vessel and decrease the rigidity of a boat almost to its absolute minimum. The additional piece of a plywood floor was added to a bow part of the boat, so the whole area where the user could possible step on during the exploitation is covered by a slatted floor. This improvement dramatically increased the conformability. The smallest motor boat in the model line (BARK BT-270) has five pieces of a plywood slatted floor instead of three in a previous model, and the biggest boat (BARK BT-330) has seven pieces instead of four. The second improvement is the ability to use not only fixated sit place for a steersman, but also a sliding one. As this innovation was implemented in all motor BARK boats, I will tell more about it in the end of this review.

BARK keel motor boats with a solid hard floor

фото килевой моторной лодки Барк со сплошным дном в профиль, фас и повернутой на 45 градусовAn increased amount of produced armored PVC allowed building the biggest motor boat in the BARK model line without any concerns for today. This boat is BARK BT-450S, which has a sectional hard floor and almost half a meter boards (49 cm. diameter of air chambers) and carrying capacity of 800 kg. This is needed, in the first place, for adding more stiffness to the construction. Why should be there a concern? I wrote about it and will write it once again: motor PVC boats have two, or even three times more pressure in their air chambers, comparing to rowing boats. Naturally, with the increasing of a boat length, a diameter of the air chambers and their length will be increasing as well. This leads to increasing of the air needed in the air chamber for adding more stiffness, and so even more pressure needed. And once again, we need even more capacity of the air chambers. In such a condition, even not strong influence on an air chamber (its deformation) will unavoidably increase the pressure inside of it. You can say, that for the major deformation of the air chamber with such a pressure inside of it only a stronger force would affect on it. Unfortunately, there is such a force. Can you imagine the force, with which the 800 kilogram boat (full load) is hitting waves on a high speed? It's obvious, that the pressure inside of air chambers is increasing dramatically. PVC for boats from South Korean manufactures Wonpoong and Polytex is considered as one of the best in the world, and it is not worse than German PVC. Also, it has easily resolved the issue with the increased pressure in the air chambers with its high strength and heavy-duty quality PVC fabric. Exactly with an emerging of such a PVC, which can hold the load of three tons on one square meter, the BARK company has launched the largest boat (BARK BT-450S) in series production. This boat is specifically designed for usage by emergency services, but still it is available on a market for an average customer. The production takes about five days.

BARK motor boats with a solid hard floor "Kievlianka"

моторная лодка "Киевлянка"Increasing popularity of motor boats of this model line showed the shortage in their dimensions. Due to this, it was decided to add to correctly available motor boats BARK BN-330S "Kievlianka" and BARK BN-360S "Kievlianka" the model with the lower length BARK BN-310S "Kievlianka" and the lagrest one called BARK BN-390S. These motor boats allow to move with a high speed on a water as well as go for fishing or hunting with a comfort. Legendary boat "Uzhanka" and it's twin "Kazanka-M" approve it for almost 40 years (you can move your mouse cursor over the picture to see "Uzhanka") Motor boat "Kievlianka" was designed to be as fast as it even possible for an inflatable boat. With the emerge of PVC boats fabric, inflatable boats became more like carcass boats in their shapes. Now you see it with your own eyes. I was able to make sure that "Kievlianka" has a speed advantage at Nemiroff Fishing personally. With not that powerful motor and having a bigger load in a boat, I managed to overtake a lot of people in an improvised mini-race. No doubt, it was thank to the construction of "Kievlianka" motor boat and a small improvement like a sliding seat, but will talk about it later. The second feature of this boat is different colors you could choose from. Many of people would like to have "white top, black bottom", because the top is not heating so much on the sun, and it's harder to see a stain on the black bottom of the boat. BARK BN-3..0S "Kievlianka" provide with an ability to choose any color you would like to. One of the most popular color solutions is blue and yellow. But please feel free to order any other color.

The system of the sliding seat of the steersman implemented in PVS BARK boats

подвижное сиденье в лодках БАРКThe main requirement to the system is the ability of the installation and sliding, despite a degree of air chambers fulfillment, as well as stability and immovability in case of involuntary affect on it. On the same Nemiroff Fishing I was testing this system in action. When you are not alone in a boat, you can allocate the weight inboard by moving a passenger (passengers). But if you are alone, you need to move by yourself. If it was only about the movement to one of the sides of the boat, you would not have any difficulties at all, but for effective boat movement, the steersman also needs to shift forward, close to the center of the boat (amidships). By moving the seat, I was able to find the best balance of the weight in the boat. In this situation boat tiller extension handle will be very useful. The next concern was that the seat could fell off under my weight, while I was driving on waves on a pretty high speed. But the fixings are fine, so nothing bad has happened. The test of this brand new system was successful and since 2012 it's available for every customer who has purchased a BARK motor boat.

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You can purchase a BARK rowing boat; purchase a BARK motor boat; accessories for BARK boats and purchase a Parsun boat motor by ordering online in our shop.